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Trustworthy Phone Verification services by Phone Confirm

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Phone Confirm - Transaction Authorized
Hosted API
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Advanced HTTP/SOAP
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Implementing service requires some software development assistance. provides users with implementation examples, code samples and a tool set to make the process as straightforward as possible. Taking the following steps will help guide the user to a successful implementation:
1. Sign up, purchase credits and chose settings.
2. Select an Applications Interface.
3. Choose end user verification Method One or Method Two.
4. Select and tailor the appropriate code or create code to fit your requirements.
5. Test and begin using End User Verification Methods

The user may choose from two verification methods to use in presenting service to their end-users or customers. Both methods are easily implemented through one of three unique Application Programming Interfaces (APIs). provides tools for uploading greeting files, storing URLs and accessing and downloading history files.
Method One
Method One:
The customer or end-user is presented with a PIN code on a web page as part of transaction confirmation. The customer or end-user then receives a phone call where they are asked to enter the PIN using the dial pad on the phone. Once entered, the PIN is validated if it matched the original PIN on the web page.
Method 2
Method Two:
The customer or end-user as part of a transaction confirmation receives a phone call and a spoken PIN number. The customer or end-user completes the transaction by entering the PIN onto a selected web page. Once entered, the PIN is validated if it matched the original PIN spoken on the phone. Application Programming Interfaces (APIs)

In addition to's 'Simple HTTP Request' and 'Advanced HTTP/SOAP Request' APIs, now provides a simpler, faster and easier to use 'Hosted API'. With the Hosted API, all of the verification is done by The user simply makes a HTTP/SOAP request to and receives three tokens that are saved by the user. At the completion of the transaction the user compares their tokens with new tokens received from The result of the comparison determines the appropriate web page to be generated, which further indicates a successful or failed verification result. The web page is a generic web page that can be customized with the users header and logo.

Select an API from the following for working annotated code and implementation examples to assist and speed up your integration effort:

Hosted API

Simple HTTP Request

Advanced HTTP/SOAP Request

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